Work Uniforms 

  • Client must be recently employed and have NOT received their 1st paycheck.
  • Client must bring a “dummy receipt” from Walmart listing the items and cost.

Upscale Resale Vouchers - (One voucher per client per 12 month period)

  • Must need professional clothing for current employment or for interview
  • One time shopping trip (value $50)

Food Handler Card – (once every three years)

  • Must be employed and food handler card must be required for employment (and not eligible for reimbursement by employer).


  • Vouchers may be provided once every 30 days based on household funding limits.

Car Repair Assistance

  • Someone living in the household must be employed
  • Someone living in the household must have a valid driver's license



Services are subject to Household limits and funding availability.
Responding to the immediate basic needs of individuals and families within our community. 

403A Vandiver Drive, Columbia MO 65202 | Phone: 573-874-2273 | Fax: 573-874-9172 |
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