100% of your gift stays in Boone County!

Terry has been using VAC services for the past 5 or 6 years when times are tough. "Some months I be short and the food helps out. Also the gas voucher helps me out a whole lot. It gets me back and forth to the doctor."

Take action today.

Help your neighbor, like Terry,  by making an online donation.



Covers the cost of one gasoline voucher
Provides birth certificates for a family of four
Feed a family of 4 for one week
Help with medical, dental, or vision expenses
Enable someone to stay in their apartment/home

Frequently Asked Questions

Why donate to VAC?

VAC serves Boone County residents, providing resources for basic and emergency needs in the areas of health, employment, education, and housing. We serve thousands of people in our community each year and the numbers of neighbors in need continue to grow. For over 50 years, VAC has provided community members with a solution to get through difficult times. One unique quality of VAC is when a client comes in to receive services, they leave that same day with the services they needed. No application or waiting period required - immediate emergency basic needs are met. Your donation makes this possible.

Where do my dollars go?

Your dollars go directly to services provided to clients in Boone County. This includes access to these services and seasonal programs.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes, VAC is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization able to receive tax-deductible contributions year-round. Your charitable contribution will go directly toward the resources that VAC provides to meet the basic needs of our community right now. Should you need it, our EIN/Tax ID number is 23-7120750.

How do I change or cancel a monthly donation?

Please contact us at or 573-874-2273 ext 214 to speak to a member of our Donor Care team. We’ll be happy to assist you in making any changes to your monthly donation.

Donate By Mail

Download this form and mail it with your check or money order to the following address. Please, do not send cash.

Donate By Phone

To make a credit card payment over the phone, contact Donor Care at 573-874-2273 ext 214

Planned Giving

Ensure your commitment to VAC lives on for generations. Contact us at for more information or to inform us of you planned gift.
To donate stocks or other investments, contact Stacie for instructions at  573-874-2273 ext 214 or

Does VAC accept matching gifts?

VAC welcomes matching gifts from your employer. If your company offers a matching gift program, you can request a matching gift form from Human Resources. Submit the completed form to Human Resources or fill it out, sign it, and send it to us and we’ll follow up to make sure your donation is matched. You can mail, email, or fax your completed form to:

Voluntary Action Center       
Attn: Matching Gifts       
403A Vandiver Drive       
Columbia, MO 65202       

Responding to the immediate basic needs of individuals and families within our community. 

403A Vandiver Drive, Columbia MO 65202 | Phone: 573-874-2273 | Fax: 573-874-9172 |
© 2025 Voluntary Action Center | Website design and development by Pixel Jam Digital
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